Thursday 2 September 2010

Exeter Cathedral - St James Chapel

On 4th May 1942 a bomb landed on the Chapel of St James, destroying it completely. Exeter was bombed in retaliation for the bombing of Lubeck by the allies. When rebuilt the Chapel was the scene of an act of reconciliation with the President of that city.

The colours of the Devonshire an Dorset Regiment.

This candle burns to remind us of those members of the armed services serving abroad in places of danger in the cause of peace and justice.

Although the chapel was largely rebuilt as it had previously been a conemporary touch was the addition of a carving showing the master mason, George Down.

A carving at the side of the entrance arch depicts the then head verger's cat, Tom, who lost one eye in a fight with a rat.

The rat is depicted on the other side.

1 comment:

  1. So gorgeous. As my cousin said, when you go to a cathedral like this one, you really know you've been to church!
    Canadian Chickadee


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