Wednesday 25 August 2010

A Gallery in the Gardens

Set among the flowers and shrubs in Rougemont and Northernhay Gardens this year are some artistic surprises - reproductions of eleven paintings from the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter.

George Philip Reinagle (1802-1835)
A first rate man-of-war driving on a reef of rocks, and foundering in a gale, 1826.

Albert Charles Bown
Bedford Circus after the Blitz, 1942

Stanhope Alexander Forbes (1857-1947)
The 22nd January 1901 - Reading the news of Queen Victoria's death in a Cornish Cottage

As on my previous visits the gardens are in excellent condition with flowerbeds full of colour and not a single piece of litter to be seen - a real tribute to Exeter City Council's Parks and Open Spaces Department.

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