Monday 4 May 2009

Stover Country Park

On Saturday afternoon we went to Stover Country Park.

This is a young Oak Apple Gall (Biorhiza pallida) on an Oak.

We walked around the lake. This is a Coot nesting on an artificial platform in the lake.

And a Great Crested Grebe on its nest.

I like it when Reserves have notice boards telling one of exceptional things to look out for at the moment.

We saw two pair of Great Crested Grebes nesting.

There are plenty of Mallard on the lake. I just love it when the sun catches the sheen on a duck's head.

A Mute Swan.

There is an excellent aerial walkway in the country park.

It takes one into the tree canopy with aerial views of the wildlife.

We saw Grey Squirrels feeding on the ground, birds on hanging bird feeders and a Brown Rat which was darting in and out of the undergrowth. The latter's fur looked remarkably red in the sunshine. It was quite strange seeing Grey Squirrels from this angle.

All along the walkway there are attractive sketches and sayings and informative drawings. Some of them are from children's sayings and drawings.

Hanging in a Beech tree in the canopy.

Round the edge of the lake are a number of smaller ponds.

This is the bus stop outside the park.


  1. hmmmm...How is it that I've missed all of these photos?

  2. Hi John,
    Some very nice photos of one of my favourite places in my home county of Devon. Thanks for sharing. I love birds too.



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