A Magpie greeted me as I wandered the University grounds in the sunshine.
Reedmace by the Peter Chalk fountain.
A Monterey Pine - it's a long way up there!
Reed Hall and its terracing are the most attractive part of the campus.
The cones of West Himalayan Spruce and Noble Fir respectively.
A rather spectacular Lawson's Cypress.
These lovely little fellows are Coprinus plicatilis - the Little Japanese Umbrella.
This fungus appeared at first to be a jelly cup of some sort - possibly Peziza violacea - but a closer examination suggest the remains of gills so perhaps it is just a toadstool like Cortinarius violaceus that has been eaten by squirrels or slugs.
The Common Brownie - Tubaria furcfuracea.
I think this is Lepista irina, noted for growing in lines or circles.
This was supposed to be a Scarlet Oak according to the label but in no way does it resemble one!
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