Wednesday 3 September 2008

Along the lanes

To the back and side of Sainsbury's on Pinhoe Road there are a couple of narrow lanes with hedgerows. I had a wander along these this morning as the sun popped in an out from behind the clouds. There were plenty of Rabbits around.

I'm used to seeing Teasel in the garden but it was good to find it in the wild.

There were a great number of Blackberries in the hedgerows.

And where there are Blackberries there are usually Wasps.

Green Shield Bugs in various stages of development - from an early instar to adult.

I was pleased to capture this photo of an Ichneumon Fly because they are fast moving creatures and often hunt on the undersides of the leaves for moth eggs which they parasitise.

It may look uninspiring but this hoverfly was the find of the day. A bee mimic, it is Merodon equestris, a species I haven't recorded before. This takes my total of hoverfly species photographed to 51.

A Red Admiral was on a Buddleia in a garden opposite Sainsbury's. Another was on Helen and Ian's white Buddleia when got home but I didn't notice it until I had disturbed it.

The back garden had its quota of Small Whites flying during the sunny spells in the afternoon.

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