Monday 25 August 2008

Otter Nurseries - Bank Holiday Monday

The four of us went to Otter Nurseries this morning. Needless to say, I carried my camera around. I photographed a number of plants which have gone on my 'wish list' (not that I currently have space for any more plants but that's a common problem for gardeners).

Hibiscus (Allogyne huegellii)

Various Clematis

Echinacea 'Green Envy'

Osteospermum 'Weetwood'

A Chrysanthemum

Morning Glory (Ipomoea Grandpa Ott)

Whilst Pitcher Pants would not be on my wish list they are fascinating objects.

I like this Toad Lily (Trycirtis hirta) but I would not necessarily want it in my garden - not that it could cope with the temperature.

In the nursery there was a super Angel's trumpets (Datura) and the price of £19.99 seemed very reasonable.

There were some enormous, prize-winning onions and leeks on display.

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