Wednesday 27 August 2008

Frog End again

The weather forecast for the day was cloudy but no rain. I didn't believe it. As a result it took me all morning to pluck up courage to go for a decent walk. But the time was not wasted. I spent some of it at Frog End Reserve which is always a most rewarding exercise.

Without my snail book I'm not sure what species this is.

I do like Verbascum.

The pond remains my favourite part of this reserve.

Next to the Large and Small Whites, the Speckled Wood is the most common butterfly here at the moment.

This Slow Worm looks pregnant. Perhaps when Helen gets home she'll be able to tell me how you distinguish male from female and at what time of year they give birth? {Postscript- It seems that distinguishing male and female can be difficult but since they give birth around September to November the chances are that this one is pregnant.]

I tried to get a photo of its tongue flicking in and out as it was doing it frequently but despite a number of attempts I failed.

A young Green Shield Bug in one of its later instars.

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